Sunday, March 8, 2009

3.05.09 - Our Second Ultrasound

We so enjoyed our second ultrasound this week. The baby is growing steadily and all vital organs, muscles, and bones are doing what they should...what a relief.

Week 18

Well, as you can see, my tummy is growing and so is the baby inside. We found out this week that the little person now spans 5.5" from head to rump. My body is changing every day and the clothes and sizes I've worn since high school are long gone. Despite these changes, I've been feeling morning sickness, little fatigue, and much anticipation.
Pregnancy is sure different for everyone...the physicality, the emotions, and the way it is processed. I haven't experienced the strong nails and healthy, shiny hair that many women speak of. On the other hand, I have felt the emotional ups and downs of it all...happy in one moment and crying the next. It sure is strange and wonderful what happens to you through the process. All I can say is that I feel particularly blessed every day to be carrying this little person.

Week 16

Week 12

Necessary Reading

When people find out that you're pregnant, a lot of times they like to give you advice about what to expect and avoid. We've particularly appreciated those who went a little further and gave us some great reading to digest. Here are some eye opening things we've appreciated so far.

Thank you to the Molters, the Ferrys, and the Bradfords. Love you!

Brownies and Burritos

Ahh...the first trimester cravings. As Jenny McCarthy so well stated, I think my baby is going to come out looking like a chocolate chip cookie. I've been doing my best to eat healthy, fresh, and sensible, but when I get a hankering for a bean and cheese burrito or midnight donut, I just have to have it. Fortunately, I have a gracious, loving husband who makes those midnight runs or trips to Hole Mole for me....what a guy. Since the three month mark, these cravings have diminished quite a bit, but I certainly do have a sweet tooth!